Mar 25Liked by Russ Yarrow

I like to crank the Grateful Dead most always, but especially in Bay Area freeway traffic. The Dead calms me, causes me to enjoy the moment. I get out of the more-frantic commuters' way, give room to exit-lane cutters with a wave and a smile. Sometimes (more rare these days) I catch a fellow Steal Your Face decal in a rear window or on a bumper. We give each other the cool guy, "we get it" nod. I like to think in some small way I'm alleviating traffic in the process, making it work.

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About 20 years ago, My pals , cannabis devotees Herbie Herbert and Steve Parish had a "Harvest Festival " at the Fillmore Auditorium where they showed a video of the Springfield Dairy concert with the music synched up, sorta like you described , making it work. 100 degree Oregon heat, Deadheads sailing on acid, nakedly dancing to the anthem of the sun.

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